The Vending Machines page provides management of vending machines in your schools.
-> GoTo: Point OF Sale > Settings > POS Details > Vending Machines
Manage Vending Machines
1. Select a Vending Machine to edit from the list window and click the Edit button or click the Add button to add a new Vending Machine.
2. The POS Station ID is provided by MealTime and is not modifiable.
3. Enter the *Station Full Name. |
It's recommended to use names that represent the location of the vending machine for easy identification. |
4. Enter a *Station Short Name. |
This is a shortened version of the full name. |
5. Select the *Service Area the vending machine will be located in. |
The Service Areas available here must first be created on the Service Areas page. |
6. Choose the *Served at School that is associated with the previously selected Service Area. This should be the school where the vending machine is located. |
If there is only one school associated with the chosen Service Area, that school will automatically be chosen and displayed here. |
7. Select the MealTime *User who will be managing the vending machine. |
8. Choose to Override Default Settings for displaying the customer balance. |
9. Select how to *Display Customer Balance IF overriding the default of On Demand.
Options are: Always, Never or On Demand. |
10. Click Save to save or Cancel to cancel the process. |