The Vending Machines page provides management of vending machines in your schools. 

-> GoTo: Point OF Sale > Settings > POS Details > Vending Machines

Manage Vending Machines

1. Select a Vending Machine to edit from the list window and click the Edit button or click the Add button to add a new Vending Machine.

2. The POS Station ID is provided by MealTime and is not modifiable.

3. Enter the *Station Full Name.
It's recommended to use names that represent the location of the vending machine for easy identification.

4. Enter a *Station Short Name.
This is a shortened version of the full name.

5. Select the *Service Area the vending machine will be located in. 
The Service Areas available here must first be created on the Service Areas page.

6. Choose the *Served at School that is associated with the previously selected Service Area. This should be the school where the vending machine is located.
If there is only one school associated with the chosen Service Area, that school will automatically be chosen and displayed here.

7. Select the MealTime *User who will be managing the vending machine.

8. Choose to Override Default Settings for displaying the customer balance. 

9. Select how to *Display Customer Balance IF overriding the default of On Demand.
Options are: Always, Never or On Demand.

10. Click Save to save or Cancel to cancel the process.