Note! The Meal Planning module is offered in partnership with eTrition, another brand within Harris School Solutions. We have made significant effort to align our products to give you as seamless an experience between the two products as possible, but differences do exist. Please contact our Support Team if you need help.


The Recipes screen allows the user to create and modify recipes, which are used when planning menus and performing nutrient analysis. Each recipe is comprised of various Ingredient items that have already been entered on the “Ingredients” screen.    


Navigate to Meal Planning > Recipes. Click “Add New” to create a new recipe or click “Search” to locate an existing recipe. To edit a recipe that is displayed in the search results, click on the pencil to the left of the recipe.


When adding a new recipe, enter/select the appropriate values for all required fields – mandatory fields are indicated with an asterisk (*). See below for a definition of each field.

  • Recipe Code: This column displays the recipe's unique identification number 
  • Description: This field displays the recipe's full name, which will be displayed on recipe cards, search results, and any reports that display the recipe's full description 
  • Menu Description: This field displays the recipe's name as it will appear on menus 
  • Servings: This column displays the number of servings produced from the recipe values entered 
  • Serving Size: This field displays the size of each serving, such as "1 slice" or "3 pieces". This information is displayed on recipe cards and certain reports, but is not used in calculations 
  • Category: This drop-down list displays all the active Recipe Categories created on the Recipe Categories setup screen (Setup > Meal Planning > Recipe Categories). Selecting a category for a recipe allows it to be grouped with other similar recipes for purposes of searching and reports. The "Quick Add" option is provided to add categories on-demand, without having to navigate to the Recipe Categories setup screen 

On the “Ingredients” tab, click "Add New Ingredient.” In the “Select Ingredients” screen that appears, use the fields provided to locate the desired ingredient, then click "Search". To narrow the search by item, choose the search criteria within the field description. To search for a particular ingredient by nutrient analysis, use the search option to choose the particular nutrient. Use the checkbox in the left-hand column to select the desired ingredient or ingredients, then click the "Use Selected Ingredients" button to add the selected ingredients to the table. Once the ingredient is pulled into the recipe, this will display the ingredient's full Description, as entered or supplied on the Ingredients screen.


Enter the amount needed for the recipe in the Amount column and select the desired Measure to designate the amount of the selected ingredient that is included. This drop-down list displays every measure created for the selected ingredient. The selected measure will be used to calculate the amount of the ingredient used in the current recipe. The “+ Amount” column displays any secondary amount for the selected ingredient to be used in the current recipe, in addition to the value already entered in the “Amount” column. This value will be calculated based on the selected “+ Measure.” For example, if one cup and one tablespoon of flour is needed in the recipe, the “Amount” and “Measure” would read, “1.000 Cup” and the “+ Amount” and “+ Measure” would read “1.000 Tablespoon."


Serving Sizes can be edited by clicking the pencil on “Serving Size” tab, if needed. Click “Add New” to add a new Serving Size.


Preparation instructions can be entered under the “Directions” tab by clicking “Add New Direction”. Enter the preparation instructions for the recipe, such as, “Preheat oven to 400 degrees,” then click “Save.” Repeat this step, as needed, for each specific step.


The “Fat / Moisture Change” tab allows the system to note the change in moisture and fat content for the recipe, based on the included ingredients and the selected fat type. To select a new fat type, click the "Select Fat Type" button.



In the “Select Ingredients” screen that opens, use the search form to locate the desired ingredient, then click "Search.”  Use the check-box in the left-hand column to select the desired ingredient(s), and click "Use Selected Ingredients" to add the selected ingredient to the table.


Enter the “Fat Change %” and “Moisture Change %” in the fields provided. The “Fat Change %” designates the percentage of the recipe's weight that will be added (or removed) from the recipe's total nutrients and weight in the form of the fat type selected. Added or subtracted fat will alter the nutrients for the recipe, based on the nutrients in the fat type selected. The “Moisture Change %” designates the percentage of moisture (water) in the recipe that will be added or subtracted from the recipe's total nutrients. The percentage is calculated based on the recipe's total weight, and added or subtracted from the recipe's moisture (water) content.


The “Notes” tab allows specific production or serving notes to be entered, as desired, but is not required. To add a new Production and/or Serving note, enter the text in the fields provided, then click “Save,” or “Save and Close.”  


The “Nutrient Analysis (Per Serving)” tab displays the total amount of each nutrient in the recipe, based on the number of servings and total gram weight for the recipe.


MealTime offers a new feature that allows customers to perform a Meal Pattern Analysis, for the purpose of obtaining the Six Cent Certification, and as a tool for enhanced meal planning.  The Meal Pattern Standards can be found here: This guide provides instructions on how to set up the recipes and menus to properly perform the analysis.  

Enter the appropriate unit of measure for each component that this recipe provides.  For fractional amounts, use the drop-down to select. 

For the vegetables, enter the subgroup amounts, these will then total to the Total Vegetable amount automatically. Select the vegetable name below.


Enter the Grain and Meats using the drop-down menus.  


After saving the recipe, an “Attachment” tab is also displayed, and can be used to attach recipes or any additional information from a file.  To add a new attachment to the recipe, click the Attachment tab, then click “Add New Attachment”. Click “Select” to select the file to be attached, then click the “Save” button.


The “Allergens” tab will show all Allergens that are linked to this Recipe. 


The “Attributes” tab will show any attributes assigned to this recipe.