The Customer Photos page provides a simple interface for adding customer photos. Each school in MealTime is displayed separately with its photo enrollment total, by count and percentage, along with the last date and time photos were uploaded.
Formatting rules:
- Photos must be named to match the corresponding Customer ID so, for example, "1001.jpg" for a customer with an ID of 1001.
- Photos may be any of the following formats: jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp.
- Large photos will be resized upon import.
-> Go To: Point of Sale > CUSTOMERS > Customer Details > Customer Photos
Manage Customer Photos
1. To start uploading student photos, click Add Photos.
2. Drag & drop your photos into the upload window or browse your PC to locate your photos for selection: |
Note! Photos must be unzipped to be used for upload and removed from folders. If your photos are in a folder, click in to the folder and select all photos, then drop them in to the upload window. When using browse, make sure to Select All photos in the browsed-to location for upload.
Once your photos have been selected, you will see a count of photos that will be matched to customer records and a count of ignored photos if matches cannot be found:
3. Click Continue to upload your photos or Cancel to cancel the process.
When the photo upload process is complete, you'll see a confirmation message letting you know it's done: |
4. Click Close to return to the Customer Photos page. |