The MealTime application is able to export customer data to populate student records programs, data warehousing programs or any number of other uses. The program provides a simple user interface to create an export definition for immediate or scheduled use.
See the Customer Export-Design article for more information on creating Customer Export definitions.
The following fields may be exported from MealTime in any order, and with the user's choice of comma or tab delimiters.
Customer ID | Customer's unique ID, commonly provided by the organization's student record's program (SIS) |
Customer Last Name | Customer's Last Name |
Customer First Name | Customer's First Name |
Customer Middle Name | Customer's Middle Name |
Customer Birthdate | Customer's Date of Birth |
School Name | Customer's unique School Name |
District School Number | District School ID Number |
State Site Number | Site Number provided by the State |
School Type | School Type |
PIN | Customer's unique ID used for Meal Service |
SSN | Customer's Social Security Number |
Alternate ID | Customer's State provided ID Number |
Grade | Customer's Grade Number |
Homeroom Name | Customer's Homeroom Name or Number |
Track Name | Customer's Track (for year-round schools) |
Active Status | Customer's Enrollment Status (Active, Inactive) |
Non-Student Type | Customer's Non-Student Type (i.e. Staff) |
Name Prefix | Customer's Name Prefix (i.e. Dr.) |
Name Suffix | Customer's Name Suffix (i.e. Jr.) |
Preferred Name | Customer's Preferred Use Name |
Cafe Account Number | Customer's Cafe Account Number |
Balance | Customer's balance as of the date/time of the export |
Household Number | Customer's Household ID Number |
Primary Contact First Name | Household's Primary Contact First Name |
Primary Contact Last Name | Household's Primary Contact Last Name |
Primary Contact Phone | Household's Primary Contact Phone Number |
Primary Contact Alternate Phone | Household's Primary Contact Alternate Phone Number |
Primary Contact Email | Household's Primary Contact Email Address |
Primary Contact Address Line 1 | Household's Primary Contact Address Line 1 |
Primary Contact Address Line 2 | Household's Primary Contact Address Line 2 |
Primary Contact City | Household's Primary Contact City |
Primary Contact State | Household's Primary Contact State |
Primary Contact ZIP | Household's Primary Contact ZIP code |
Secondary First Name | Household's Secondary Contact First Name |
Secondary Last Name | Household's Secondary Contact Last Name |
Secondary Phone | Household's Secondary Contact Phone Number |
Secondary Alternate Phone | Household's Secondary Contact Alternate Phone Number |
Secondary Email | Household's Secondary Contact Email Address |
Secondary Address Line 1 | Household's Secondary Contact Address Line 1 |
Secondary Address Line 2 | Household's Secondary Contact Address Line 2 |
Secondary City | Household's Secondary Contact City |
Secondary State | Household's Secondary Contact State |
Secondary ZIP | Household's Secondary Contact ZIP code |
Language | Household correspondence language preference |
Application ID | Customer's MealTime assigned Application ID (if applicable) |
Agency Cert ID | Customer's MealTime assigned Agency Certification ID (if applicable) |
District Record Number | Customer's District Assigned Record Number |
Case Number | Customer's Case Number associated with an active Application or Agency Cert |
Case Number Type | Customer's Case Number Type |
Eligibility Determination Date | Customer's Eligibility Determination Date as of date/time of export |
Eligibility Effective Date | Customer's Eligibility Effective Date as of date/time of export |
Eligibility Expiration Date | Customer's Eligibility Expiration Date as of date/time of export |
Eligibility Status | Customer's Eligibility Status (F/R/P) as of date/time of export |
Eligibility Alias | Customer's Eligibility Status, as masked by MealTime's Eligibility Aliases |
Household Income | Customer's Application Household Income (if applicable) |
Household Income Period | Customer's Application Household Income Period (if applicable) |
Household Count | Customer's Application Household Count (if applicable) |
Eligibility Code | Customer's specific Eligibility Type Code* |
Household Signer SSN | Customer's Application Household Signer's Social Security Number |
Agency Cert Certified/Extended | Customer's Agency Cert is Certified or Extended |
Photo File Name | Name of Customer's Photo File found in Customer Information record |
Academic Year | Customer's Academic year as of date/time of export |
Purchase Control Override | Customer's Purchase Controls Override defaults True or False |