The Manage Family Accounts page can be used to view Cafe Account details and provides the means to join Cafe Accounts together to create Family Accounts, where customers (generally siblings) can share funds. A Family Account also makes parent deposits simpler to manage


A Brief Explanation of the Cafe Account Concept

Every time a new Customer record is created in MealTime, a corresponding Cafe Account is also created by the program. The Cafe Account represents the monetary balance for the Customer. We at MealTime think of Cafe Accounts like "buckets." Each Customer carries around their own "bucket" of money, and every transaction goes into or comes out of this bucket. You can see the activity associated with this Cafe Account through the Customer Account Statement Report.


Joining Cafe Accounts Together to Create Family Accounts

Some households may wish to share one Cafe Account among multiple customers or siblings, pooling their balances together. We call this kind of sharing our Family Account feature. Effectively, a Family Account is designed to let more people hold the "bucket" at once, and every transaction for every member of the Family Account goes into or comes out of this shared bucket.

-> Go To: Point Of Sale > CUSTOMERS > Account Details > Manage Family Accounts


The Cafe Account Number is a system assigned identifier.
The account number cannot be modified.

Balance: Represents the total funds available to all members of the Cafe Account.
This field is updated by the system to display the current balance for the account and cannot be modified.


Each Customer on the Cafe Account is listed along with their identifying information and a link to their Account Statement report.
The Balance Statement report displays the last 30 days of transaction history.


Any balance transfers to or from the Cafe Account are logged in a history table for quick review. These transactions are also found in the Customer Account Statement and Transaction Audit report.

Viewing a Cafe Account

1. Use Search to locate the customer who's Cafe Account details you want to view:
The standard MealTime Search tool is provided to locate Customer's Cafe Accounts. You may search all or part of the Customer Name, Customer ID, PIN, Alternate ID, or Cafe Account Number.

Adding an Individual Customer

1. While viewing a Cafe Account, click Add Customer.

2. Use Search to locate the customer you want to add:
In addition to the standard identifying information, you will also see specific information for that Customer's current Cafe Account, including the number, balance, and whether or not the account is shared with any other Customers.

If the current Cafe Account is shared, you may transfer any amount of the available balance. If the current Cafe Account is not shared, the program will ensure that you transfer the entire balance so that no funds are abandoned.

3. Click Save Customer to add them to the Cafe Account or Cancel to cancel the process. 

The newly added Customer's information is displayed along with any funds transferred in the process:

Adding Household Member(s)

1. While viewing a Cafe Account, click Find Household Members.

2. Select matched customer(s) from the list to add them to the Cafe Account:
Note! Customers must have exactly matching contact information in MealTime in order to be matched as household members.

3. Enter the Amount to Transfer from the previous account to the shared one.
Note! If you select all available customers from an existing Cafe Account, the full balance of that account will be transferred in and the empty account will be closed. In this case, the Amount to Transfer field cannot be modified.

4. When all Household Members are selected, click OK to add them to the Cafe Account or Cancel to cancel.

When selecting an Amount to Transfer, MealTime will ask you to Confirm the Balance Transfer(s) before returning to the Family Account screen. Click Yes to proceed or Cancel to cancel the process:

The newly added Household Member's information is displayed along with any funds transferred in the process:

Removing Customer(s)

1. Click Remove to the right of the customer that you want to remove from the account:

2. Enter the Amount to Transfer to the removed customer from the available shared balance:

3. Click OK to complete the removal or Cancel to cancel the process.