The Customer Pre-Orders report is used for Pre-Order fulfillment by your cafeteria or other food distribution hub.

The report is divided into two sections; the Order Summary and the Customer Order Details. You can choose to run this report with both parts or with only one, depending on the need and/or the audience. If you simply need the total amounts of each meal or a la carte item, choose the Order Summary. For a list of students and their items, choose the Customer Order Details.

-> Go To: Point Of Sale > REPORTS > Food Items > Customer Pre-Orders

Access Customer Pre-Orders

1. Select a *Delivery Date.
Options are: Today, Tomorrow or a Custom Date. For Custom Date,  click on the date displays to open the calendar window. 

2. *Select for Campus or School.
-> Filter the report further by selecting AllAll Separately or an Individual Campus or School.

3. Select report component(s) to be displayed in the report; Order Summary and/or Customer Order Details.

4. Select a *Service Period.
Options are: Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Special Milk, Dinner or Other.

5. The Delivery Location field displays delivery locations that have been entered into available pre-orders.

6. Select the *Status of the Pre-Order.
Options are: Any Status, Un-submitted or Submitted.

7. Click View Report to generate the report for view:

8. When the report is viewable, click Print Report to print.