The Pre-Order Console page is used to create pre-orders for delivery and service of meals and a la carte offerings in non standard locations.
-> Go To: Point of Sale > POS CONSOLE > Meal Service > Pre-Order Console
Add or Modify a Pre-Order
1. Click Add to add a new Pre-Order, or select an unfinished Pre-Order from the list and click Edit. |
2. Select a *Delivery Date. |
Options are: Today, Tomorrow or a Custom Date. For Custom date, click on the Date field to open the calendar. |
3. Enter the name of the Pre-Order creator in the *Ordered by field. |
4. Enter the *Delivery Location. |
5. Select the *School where the Pre-Order will be fulfilled. |
Note! The school selection controls the template that is used for selecting food items. If you haven't selected a template in your school settings, the program will instruct you to do this first. |
6. Select the *Service Period. |
Options are: Breakfast, Lunch, Snack, Special Milk, Dinner or Other. |
7. Click Select Customers/Food Items to add customers and then select their food items: |
If you are importing homeroom information from your student records system, the easiest way to add customers to the Pre-Order is by Homeroom. |
8a. Select a Homeroom from the dropdown menu and click Add Customers by Homeroom. |
If you are not using homeroom information to identify customers, or if you need to add customers that are not part of your selected homeroom, you can search by Name, PIN, or Customer ID to add customers individually. |
8b. Enter Name, PIN or Customer ID in to the Search field and click Search For Customers: |
8c. Click Add to the right of a customer to add them to the Pre-Order. |
8d. When all customers have been added, click Done to proceed to selecting food items. |
9. Select food items for each customer in the list: |
If you need to Add or Remove customers while selecting food items, click Add Customers to add additional customers or click the red X symbol next to a customer's name to remove them. |
10. When all food items have been selected, click Done to return to the Pre-Order page. |
When Customer and Food Item selection is complete, you will see an Order Summary at the bottom of the page: |
11. Click Save to save and/or submit your Pre-Order or Cancel to cancel. |
When Saving, you will be asked to confirm your submission: |
12a. Click Save and Submit to send your Pre-Order in for fulfillment. |
12b. Click Save But Do Not Submit to save your progress without sending the Pre-Order in for fulfillment. |
12c. Click Do Not Save to make further edits to your Pre-Order. |