The Benefit Issuance Document report is a roster of all students in the school(s) and their eligibility. All students are included regardless of whether or not they are on an application. If the student is on an application, the application type is indicated along with the approval date and application number. The settings will customize the report to select data by school, and then group that data by eligibility type.

-> Go To: Eligibility Management > REPORTS > Student Reports > Benefit Issuance Document

Access the Benefits Issuance Document

1. Select Customers for a school.
Options are: All Schools or an individual school.

2. Select Include Inactive to include students with an inactive status.

3. Choose, Include Carryover eligibilityDon't Include Carryover or Show Only Carryover.
The, Include Carryover setting will include any applications that were processed the previous year and are within the 30-operating-day carryover period.

4. Click the View/Print button to load the report for viewing:

5. While viewing a report you can Download and Print using the icons in the view menu bar:
Note! If the menu bar is not present, hover over the body of the report with your mouse cursor to enable it.

Export the Benefits Issuance Document 

1. Click the Export button to load the report for export:

2. Select a format for export from the dropdown menu located in the view window header and click the Export button: