The Customer Export feature allows you to create and export a report of customer data, selecting from more than 60 different data fields. This report can be useful for eligibility audits, new eligibility programs, statistical data, or any case where specific customer (student) data is useful. Customer Export-Design is the first part of a two-step process.
In this step, Design, you will create a definition for the export that determines what data will be included in the report, the eligibility behavior of those included and map the data fields from MealTime to their respective locations in your report.
-> Go To: Eligibility Management > ELIGIBILITY > Exporting > Customer Export - Design
Add or Edit a Customer Export definition
Step One
1. Click the Add button to create a new definition or click the Edit button to edit a current one. |
2. Enter an *Export Name. |
The name should be short and applicable to the designed report. |
3. Select an Export Format. |
Options are: CSV or Tab Delimited. Select CSV when working with Excel. |
4. Select a Date Format or use the default; mm/dd/yyyy. |
Other options are covered in the table at the bottom of the page. |
5. Select the Customer Status. |
6. Select the School(s) to determine which customers will be included. |
Options are: All or individual schools. |
7. Choose which Eligibility types will be included by checking or unchecking the required boxes. |
Options are: Free, Reduced, Paid and Non-Student. |
8. Determine the Eligibility Behavior of the export by selecting either a Specific Date or a Date Range: |
8a. Check the button for Eligibility For A Specific Effective Date and select either Today or a Custom Date. |
8b. Check the button to Include Carryover Eligibility if required. |
8c. Use the Filter by Other Benefits dropdown menu to select specific other benefits for the export otherwise use the default of Any/ALL Other Benefits. |
Other Benefits is part of the Eligibility Management module. Other Benefits must first be added to MealTime on the Other Benefits page to be chosen from here. |
8d. Check the button for Eligibility History For A Time Period and select a range from the dropdown menu. |
Options are divisions of: Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually or Custom Date Range. |
9. Check the button to Inactivate Status ONLY if you want to remove this design from the Search/List window. |
New definitions are Active by default. Inactive designs can be located in search by checking the Include Inactive button. |
10. Click the Next Step button to move on to step 2 of the design process, click Save Settings to save all data entered so far and exit or Cancel to cancel completely. |
Step Two
Map Field Name(s) from the left column to Export Position(s) in the right column. |
1. To map Field Names to Export Positions, click the dropdown menu in the Export Position column on the right that aligns to a specific field in the Field Name column on the left and select a number for its position in the fields row. |
The Field Names you map and the order in which you map them is displayed in the Selected Fields Preview window. Fields are mapped from left, starting at 1, to right, ending at 65. Fields can be mapped to any position: |
2.Once all Field Names have been mapped to an Export Position and you have verified the position order, click the Next Step button to move on to Step 3. |
Note! If you do not include the 'Elig Code' Field Name in your export, you will be prompted with the message that your export definition is ready to execute and will skip step 3. |
Step Three
This step provides the means to rename an eligibility code to suit specific needs and then match that to a pre-existing code in MealTime. Users will generally not need to rename them and should use the default codes if possible. |
1. To rename an Eligibility Code, enter a new name in the name field to the right of the eligibility code name you want to change. |
2. Click the Previous Step button to move back to Step 2, the Cancel button to cancel or the Finish button to complete the definition. |
After clicking Finish, you will be prompted with the following message: |
Click the Back to Design to continue working on your definition or click On to Execute to move to Customer Export - Execute and run the export definition. |