The Balance Statement Queue page stores all email and mail statement definitions that have been executed and provides separate tabs for both. You can filter your queued letters to achieve a desired subset before selecting them to email or print for mail. You can then send them individually or as a batch.
-> Go To: Point of Sale > REPORTS > Customer Balance Statement > Balance Statement - Queue
Using Balance Statement Queue
Using the provided filter options, select the Balance Statement Definition you would like to Email or Mail and click the Update View button. |
Check the box in the top left of the green header bar to select All statements in the queue or check the box to the left of individual statements in the queue to select only specific statements. |
With your Balance Statements selected from the Queue, click the Print button to print Mail or the Send button to send Email. You may also mark them as sent with the Mark Sent button or discard them from the Queue using the Discard button. |
Note! Once the balance statements are Emailed or Printed, they will appear in your Balance Statement History. |