The Transaction Audit Report provides a detailed look at each transaction that took place for a specified period of time in chronological order, making it one of the best tools for identifying discrepancies in customer accounts or end of day balances.

-> Go To: Point Of Sale > REPORTS > Transactions > Transaction Audit

View / Print the Transaction Audit report

1. Select the time period.
Options are: All Dates or variations of: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Annually or Custom Date Range.
For Custom Date Range, click on the date displays to open the calendar window.

2. Select transaction by Campus.
Options are: All Campuses or an Individual Campus.

3. Select transaction by POS Station.
Options are: All POS Stations or an Individual POS Station.

4. Select transactions by User
Options are: All Users or an Individual User. 

5. Select transactions by Offering Type.
Options are: All Offering Types, A La Carte, Component Meal or Meal.

6. Select transactions by Offering
Options are: All Offerings or an Individual Offering. This includes all meals and a la carte offerings entered in to mPower.

7. Select transactions by Type. 
General options are: All Types, All Adjustments, All Balance Transfers, All Deposits or All Payments.
Specific options are: Account Overdraw, Account Payment, Adjustment - Add or Subtract, Balance Transfer - From or To, Cash Surcharge, Check Transaction, Fund Payment, Online Deposit, Returned Check, Sales Tax, Withdraw - Cash or Check

8. Continue to filter the report by selecting; Labor, Seconds, Voided, Offline, Visitor or Backdated, if needed.

9. Click View/Print to generate the report for view:

6. While viewing a report you can Download and Print using the icons in the view menu bar:
Note! If the menu bar is not present, hover over the body of the report with your mouse cursor to enable it.

Export the Transaction Audit report

1. Click the Export button to load the report for export:

2. Select a format for export from the dropdown menu located in the view window header and click the Export button: