The Meal Roster provides a list of Students, including their PIN number and eligibility, in a calendar format. This is especially useful for instances where a group of students are on a field trip, meal service takes place away from a point of sale station or during an internet outage making MealTime unavailable for normal meal service.

-> Go To: Point Of Sale > REPORTS > Meals > Meal Roster

View / Print the Meal Roster

1. Select the time period by selecting a Month and a Year.
Note! The Meal Roster will allow you to select a future month and year. Please remember that the printed eligibility is always as of the date and time the report is created.

2. Select by School
Options are: All Schools or an Individual School. 

3. Select by Homeroom.
Options are: All Homerooms or an Individual Homeroom. 

4. Select by Eligibility. 
Check the box to Select / Deselect All or select individual eligibilities. 

5. Select by Grade.
Options are: All Grades or an Individual Grade.

6. Select by Track

7. Choose how to Display Eligibility in the Meal Roster. 
Options are: Actual Eligibility, Eligibility Alias or Hide Eligibility.

8. Click View/Print to generate the report for view:

9. While viewing a report you can Download and Print using the icons in the view menu bar:
Note! If the menu bar is not present, hover over the body of the report with your mouse cursor to enable it.

Export the Meal Roster

1. Click the Export button to load the report for export:

2. Select a format for export from the dropdown menu located in the view window header and click the Export button: