The Customer ID Cards Report allows you to create a Barcode Roster or individual Barcode ID Cards for students.

-> Go To: Point Of Sale > REPORTS > Customer Accounts > Customer ID Cards

View / Print a Barcode Roster or ID Cards

1. Select a school to load customers into the roster or make ID cards for.

2. Filter customers by grade. 
Options are: All Grades or Individual Grades.

3. Filter customers by homeroom. (Optional)

4. Filter customers by track. (Optional)

5. Select the Paper Type between Barcode Roster or Barcode ID Card variations.
Barcode Roster: creates a roster of students along with their barcodes that can be useful for some serving situations.
80pp ID Cards: Avery 18167 1/2" x 1 3/4" label
30pp ID Cards: Avery 48160 1" x 2 5/8" label
15pp or 15pp w/ Photo ID Cards: these cards are supplied by MealTime.
Note! Selecting 30pp or 80pp will disable the ability to select Show Grade, Show Homeroom and Show Card Rack Number due to available space on the label.

6. Choose to Sort By Customer Name, Grade or Homeroom.

7. Select individual customers IF you want only specific customers. (Optional)
Note! You can select up to 80 customers. Previous filter settings will determine which customers are available here for selection.

8. Select Card Options.
Show Grade: Available for 15pp and 15pp w/ Photo ID Cards only.
Show Homeroom: Available for 15pp and 15pp w/ Photo ID Cards only.
Show Card Rack Number: Available for 15pp and 15pp w/ Photo ID Cards only.
Show Barcode: Available for 15pp, 15pp w/ Photo, 30pp and 80pp ID Cards and Barcode Roster.

9. Select a Start Print Position to select the label location on your paper to start printing at.

10. Click View/Print to generate the report for view:

11. While viewing a report you can Download and Print using the icons in the view menu bar:
Note! If the menu bar is not present, hover over the body of the report with your mouse cursor to enable it.

Export the Customer Barcode Roster or ID Cards

1. Click the Export button to load the report for export:

2. Select a format for export from the dropdown menu located in the view window header and click the Export button: