The Customer ID Cards Report allows you to create a Barcode Roster or individual Barcode ID Cards for students.
-> Go To: Point Of Sale > REPORTS > Customer Accounts > Customer ID Cards
View / Print a Barcode Roster or ID Cards
1. Select a school to load customers into the roster or make ID cards for. |
2. Filter customers by grade. |
Options are: All Grades or Individual Grades. |
3. Filter customers by homeroom. (Optional) |
4. Filter customers by track. (Optional) |
5. Select the Paper Type between Barcode Roster or Barcode ID Card variations. |
Barcode Roster: creates a roster of students along with their barcodes that can be useful for some serving situations. |
80pp ID Cards: Avery 18167 1/2" x 1 3/4" label |
30pp ID Cards: Avery 48160 1" x 2 5/8" label |
15pp or 15pp w/ Photo ID Cards: these cards are supplied by MealTime. |
Note! Selecting 30pp or 80pp will disable the ability to select Show Grade, Show Homeroom and Show Card Rack Number due to available space on the label. |
6. Choose to Sort By Customer Name, Grade or Homeroom. |
7. Select individual customers IF you want only specific customers. (Optional) |
Note! You can select up to 80 customers. Previous filter settings will determine which customers are available here for selection. |
Show Grade: Available for 15pp and 15pp w/ Photo ID Cards only. |
Show Homeroom: Available for 15pp and 15pp w/ Photo ID Cards only. |
Show Card Rack Number: Available for 15pp and 15pp w/ Photo ID Cards only. |
Show Barcode: Available for 15pp, 15pp w/ Photo, 30pp and 80pp ID Cards and Barcode Roster. |
9. Select a Start Print Position to select the label location on your paper to start printing at. |
10. Click View/Print to generate the report for view: |
11. While viewing a report you can Download and Print using the icons in the view menu bar: |
Note! If the menu bar is not present, hover over the body of the report with your mouse cursor to enable it. |
Export the Customer Barcode Roster or ID Cards
1. Click the Export button to load the report for export: |
2. Select a format for export from the dropdown menu located in the view window header and click the Export button: |