The Adjustments page provides the ability to adjust funds for customers. Adjustments add, subtract, or withdraw money from a customer account without affecting the till.

-> Go To: Point of Sale > CUSTOMERS > Account Details > Adjustments

Make an Account Adjustment

1. Locate the customer using the Search window.

2. Select a *POS Station to use for the adjustment.
It's suggested to use a POS Station that is assigned to the school the customer attends. 

3. Select the *School the customer attends.

4. Enter the *Adjustment Amount.

The Beginning Balance and Ending Balance fields display respective balance information and are not editable.

5. Select an *Adjustment Type.
Options are: Add, Subtract, Withdraw - Cash, Withdraw - Check or Returned Check.

6. Add Notes for the adjustment, if needed.

7. Click Save to save the adjustment or Cancel to cancel the process.