The Customer Information page contains general customer information plus account details as well as any dietary or meal purchase restrictions. Customer Information is normally added during a daily import from the student information system; however, information can also be manually added here.

Some information on this page is dependent on data found in other pages of MealTime, such as School, Household and Diet Restrictions. If no data is available to select from, make sure that data has been added to MealTime by checking the relevant page and/or your customer imports.


-> Go To: Point of Sale > CUSTOMERS > Customer Details > Customer Information

Manage Customer Information

1. Locate the customer using the Search window and click Edit to edit their customer data or click Add to add a new customer. 


2. Add the customer's *First Name, Middle Name and *Last Name.

3. Add a Preferred Name, if applicable.
The Preferred Name can be used to locate a customer in POS Console during meal service. 

4. Add a Suffix, if applicable. This is generally used for adult Non-Students.

5. Select a *Customer Type to identify the Customer as a Student or Non-Student (Adult).
Options are: Student, Adult or Child Visitor.

6. Enable Labor ONLY if the customer is served a labor meal on a daily basis. Labor meals are usually provided to customers who volunteer or work in the kitchen or cafeteria.

7. Edit the Enrollment Date if needed.
This field is automatically populated when the customer is created.

8. Select the *School the customer attends.


9. Select the Household the customer is part of.
This field lists the name of the Primary Contact for the Customer and the household ID. The Household record must exist in Household Information in order to select it here. Household information is used when sending Customer Balance Statements.

10. Add a Birthdate. 

11. Add a Social Security Number, if required.
This field is left blank unless your district requires that you store this information in MealTime.


12. *Customer ID Number is assigned upon import of student data and can also be modified manually. 
This is the unique number assigned to each Customer by the district’s student information system. This number follows the customer throughout their tenure with the district.

13. Alternate ID is assigned upon import of student date and can also be modified manually. 
This field is usually used to store the state-issue student ID (SSID) number. When the state provides a list of customers who are directly certified, the Alternate ID number can be used as a matching field when importing that information.

14. Add a Card Rack Number. 
This indicated the rack number for a customer's card. 

15. PIN (Personal Identification Number) is generated during import of student data and can also be modified manually.
PIN is an identifying number that can be entered at the POS to find or serve a customer. The best practice for PIN generation is to set the PIN to the Customer ID Number (or last 5 digits). The default for this is set on the District Meal Service Settings page.

16. Choose to enable Show POS Alert
When enabled, the message indicated in the POS Alert Message will be displayed when a customer is selected during meal service

17. Add a POS Alert Message
The message entered here will display in the POS Console during meal service. For example, if a parent thinks someone has been using their Customer's PIN, the alert may read "Check ID."


18. Add the *Grade

Grade data allows MealTime to manage pricing and provide more detailed reports. Different pricing can be set at the same school based on grade. For example, paid customers in K-3 might pay a little less for lunch than customers in grades 4-6.

19. Add the Homeroom
Homeroom is used by districts for reporting, serving meals in Photo view and also used in the Pre-Order system.

20. Add the Track, if applicable. 
Tracks are used by school districts that have year-round school. There are three types of tracks commonly used: single track, multi-track, and extended year.


21. Add a Picture, if needed, by clicking on the Picture background and uploading a picture.

22. Add Notes, if needed. 

23. Finger Registration 1 and 2 fields will display registered scans by a finger scanner.

24. Click the Clear Registration button to remove Biometric data. 

25. Enable Opt Out if the customer does not want their biometric data to be used and saved.


26. Enable Override Customer Default Settings to allow for personalized Purchase settings. 
Enabling this function overrides the Default Purchase Control settings found on the Customer Purchase Controls page.

27. Enable Allow Checks if this customer is allowed to pay with a check.

28. Select an option for Combined Daily Limit to restrict the daily amount a customer can spend on meals and a la carte offerings.
Options are: Not Allowed, No Limit or Limited. 

If Limited is selected, enter the $ Amount that can be spent.

29. Enter a Low Balance Warning Amt (Amount).
The POS Console will display a Low Balance Warning when this amount has been reached.

30. Select the *Meal Purchase Rules to determine which purchase method this customer can use.
Options are: Any Payment, Cash Only or Not Allowed. When Not Allowed is selected the customer cannot purchase meals and is usually set for customers who's parent does not want them to purchase a meal at school.

31.  Select an option for Meals Daily Limit to restrict the daily amount a customer can spend on meals.
Options are: Not Allowed, No Limit or Limited. 

If Limited is selected, enter the $ Amount that can be spent.

32. Select an option for Meals Overdraw Limit to restrict overdraws or the amount that can be overdrawn.
Options are: Not Allowed, No Limit or Limited. 

If Limited is selected, enter the $ Amount that can be overdrawn.

33. The Available Credit for Meals field displays the total amount of credit on hand.

34. Select the *A La Carte Purchase Rules to determine which purchase method this customer can use.
Options are: Any Payment, Cash Only or Not Allowed. When Not Allowed is selected the customer cannot purchase a la carte offerings and is usually set for customers who's parent does not want them to purchase a la carte offerings at school.

35.  Select an option for A La Carte Daily Limit to restrict the daily amount a customer can spend on a la carte offerings.
Options are: Not Allowed, No Limit or Limited. 

If Limited is selected, enter the $ Amount that can be spent.

36. Select an option for A La Carte Overdraw Limit to restrict overdraws or the amount that can be overdrawn.
Options are: Not Allowed, No Limit or Limited. 

If Limited is selected, enter the $ Amount that can be overdrawn.

37. The Available Credit for A La Carte field displays the total amount of credit on account.


38. The Cafe' Account Number is an internal number used by MealTime.

39. The Current Balance field displays the customer's current balance and is read only. 


40. Check the Diet Restrictions or Allergens that apply to the Customer. 
Diet Restrictions alert the cashier if an a la carte offering or meal contains ingredients that the customer is restricted from.


41. Enable Active or Inactive as required. Newly added Customer's status is Active by default. 
When a customer leaves the district, you may change their status from Active to Inactive. Customers are never deleted or removed from MealTime. An inactive status will prevent them from appearing on certain reports and serving pages.

42. Click Save to save the customer record or Cancel to cancel the process.


The Changes log lists all actions that pertain to the customer account. Should questions concerning changes made to a customer account arise, this log allows you to determine what changes occurred, when they occurred and who made the changes.