The Point of Sale Home page provides useful information about processes within the application and is the first page a User sees upon logging in. The User's role determines what information is displayed.
-> Go To: Point Of Sale > SETTINGS > District Details > Point of Sale Home
Notification Center
The Notification Center notifies the User to important items that need attention as well as providing information regarding meals served and other POS activity, such as import and export results.
In the image above, there are notifications for Balance Statements, students who's recent transactions do not match their eligibility, automated import results information and meals served totals for two separate days.
If a notification includes underlined information, such as "10 Balance Statements queued and ready to email", clicking the underlined portion of the notice will take you to the associated page in MealTime.
Graphic Displays
Four graphic displays are provided for quick access to pertinent information; Meals Served, A La Carte Served, Deposits and Adjustments. Each displays data for five days, including today.
To see detailed information, hover over the bar in a graphic display with your mouse cursor:
Uncounted Tills
The Uncounted Tills section displays all the POS Stations with uncounted tills along with the total number of uncounted tills at each station.
You can go directly to the Reconcile Till page by clicking on Uncounted Tills: