The Schools page is used to add schools to your district and includes school and contact information, Severe Need Reimbursement settings, Area Eligibility Reimbursement settings, Pre-Order Template, FSFS program and Provisional program configuration settings for each school.

Schools may only be added to MealTime by MealTime Support.


-> Go To: Administration > SETTINGS > District Details > Schools

Manage a School

1. Select the School you want to edit from the Search window and click Edit or click Add to add a new school.


2. Select a *Campus for the school.
If two or more schools share one cafeteria, then both schools must share the same campus. If there are no campuses to choose from, add one or more as needed on the Campuses page, then return here to select it

3. Enter the *School Name.

4. Select the *School Type.
If the School Type you want to use is not listed, such as Alternative Education, add the required school type on the School Types page then return here to select it.

5. Enter the *District School Number.
The District School Number may be an internal number used by the district to note a school or may be the Student Information System identifier for the school.

6. Enter the State Site Number.
The State Site Number is a number assigned to the school and is most often used in States that allow the State Claim Reimbursement report data to be uploaded to a state web site.


7. Enter the *First Name, *Last Name, *Email Address, *Phone Number and FAX number for your school's main contact.

This information will print on the Customer Balance Statement as contact information for parents.

8. Enter your MTO Location Code, if applicable.

Note! The MTO Location Code applies to districts that offer MealTime Pay Online and is the code that ties your online payments to your MealTime system.


9. Select the Sever Need Reimbursement meals that are applicable to your school.

This is a required step before you begin serving meals otherwise meals that you serve will not be flagged as Severe Need for reimbursement purposes.


10. Select At-Risk Dinner and/or At-Risk Snack IF Area Eligible Reimbursement is applicable to this school.


11. Select a Pre-Order POS Template for the school IF using the Pre-Order system.


12. Click Enabled or Disabled, depending on whether or not the school is participating in the FSFS Program.

13. If participating in FSFS, enter the Effective Date and, optionally, the Expiration Date.

14. If participating in FSFS, select the meals that will be served under the program.
Options are: Breakfast and Lunch.


15. Select the Provision Type that is applicable to your school and enter the values in the provided fields ONLY if your schools are a Provision 2 or CEP (Community Eligibility Program) school.

Note! Using Provision 2 or CEP overrides any meal prices set in MealTime for the school(s) where this is enabled, effectively setting meal prices to zero. Meal prices will continue to be used for any schools within MealTime that are not set to Provision 2 or CEP.

16. If you need to enter Monthly Values, check the Edit Monthly Values checkbox to expand the entry form to display those fields and enter the correct values:


Any changes made here will be recorded in the notes section by Date/Time and User.

17. Click Save to save or Cancel to cancel.